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The Coaching Advantage Process has been designed within leading global organisations, and as the name suggests, aims to create ‘advantage’ for both the organisation and individuals involved.

CAP for Supervisors and Team Leaders helps to build a participatory high trust culture. Through CAP, supervisors learn to coach and to track performance. This creates the foundation for empowered individuals and high performance teams.

Programme details

Title: Coaching Advantage Process for Supervisors (CAP 1)
Unit Standard: 117877
NQF Level: 3
NQF Credits: 4
Duration: 1 day training with follow-up and telephonic support over two months
Venue: Refer to registration form Duration: 1 day training with follow-up and telephonic support over two months
DATES: Request registration form per client request
*Optional Summative Assessment:Learners wishing to earn a Certificate of Competence need to complete a Summative Assessment (portfolio of evidence) after the programme. Entry requirement – minimum Grade 10 / Std. 8 or complete a pre-training assessment to determine entry level.

Learning outcomes

• Formulate winning life strategies
• Understand their triangle of belief
• Apply the core skills of an effective coach
• Understand how their coachees think, feel and learn
• Identify key priorty areas for performance improvement
• Adopt a structured and disiplined approach to coaching a specific task
• Identify essential activities needed to be completed in order to achieve a result
• Coach
• Apply questioning skills in coaching
• Improve communication in the coaching relationship
• Know how to guide their coachee’s progress and when to priovide help
• Provide constructive feedback
• Build their coachee’s confidence and competence

Tell us about your training needs?

For more information or if you would like to apply for this course

“This is the perfect opportunity for supervisors to consolidate their process manufacturing experience into a nationally recognised management qualification.”